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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall


5th Mar 2024
On 5th March the boys made another trip to Meadowbank, this time for the Indoor County...
29th Feb 2024
Today kindness was at the fore front of our lessons. We spent time discussing what...
29th Feb 2024
Today our whole school celebrated ‘World Kindness Day’.  Primary...
29th Feb 2024
Primary 1/2 celebrated World Kindness Day by thinking about all the ways in which...
29th Feb 2024
Primary 4 enjoyed our ice-cream treat and recalled so many ways we share kindness...
29th Feb 2024
Today P.5 took some time to reflect on what it means to be kind. We loved creating...
29th Feb 2024
We had a great day today. We talked about kindness and made cards to remind us how...
28th Feb 2024
Today Baby Ruby and her mum Ashley visited Primary 5 for their 5th Roots of Empathy...