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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall


2022/2023 School Year

19th Oct 2022
We were delighted to present our school councillors with their badges today! (Missing...
18th Oct 2022
Primary 6 and 7 met with their partners from Knockloughrim P.S. to enjoy the final...
13th Oct 2022
Today our P7 pupils had their second google meet with their JDO partners from CEIP...
12th Oct 2022
We are loving our new outdoor space in Foundation Stage. As you can see, we have...
11th Oct 2022
Our Primary 6 and 7 pupils completed Week 3 of the Shared Education Programme with...
11th Oct 2022
Check out the minutes of our recent School Council! There's good news and not so...
7th Oct 2022
  P.3 had a fantastic morning with Fitness Freddy!😊 
7th Oct 2022
P6 enjoyed working out with Fitness Freddy.
6th Oct 2022
All our Primary 7’s had a wonderful afternoon with the super cool Fitness...
6th Oct 2022
We had a great morning in P2 with Fitness Freddy today. We danced, exercised and...