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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall

Sustainable Development Goals

28th Mar 2023

Primary 6 became very interested in the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations when they researched them as part of their "Educating the Heart" programme in Term 1.

They identified 2 goals that related to caring for our planet's water supply; Goal 6 Working towards clean water and sanitation for all and Goal 16 related to caring for life below water.

In the words of the muppets, we know that, "We are all earthlings- some of us have feathers, some of us have fins, some of us are furry and some of us have skins!"  We know that humans deserve access to clean water but also that all plant life and creatures in the water need to be cared for as well.

Here you can see some of the actions we can take to care for our waters:

  1. Reducing, reusing and recycling.
  2. Learning about life in the ocean and how beautiful and precious it is.
  3. Planting trees so that loose soil doesn't fill our rivers and oceans.
  4. Clean up beaches