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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall


17th Aug 2020

Dear Parent,

Further to last week's letter, I wish to confirm the restart dates for all pupils:

Monday 24th P7 and P1,

Tuesday 25th P6 and P4

Wednesday 26th P5 and P2

Thursday P3.

Once your child starts school, they attend everyday.  School closed on Monday 31st.


To stagger start times pupils whose surname begins with:

A - L should arrive at 08.55

M - O should arrive at 09.05

P - Y should arrive at 09.15.

Please refer to our previous letter for pupil finish times.


Pupils should not bring a schoolbag.

Packed lunches should be in a disposable bag or a lunchbox that your child can open independently.

Children should change out of their uniform on returning home and this should be laundered for the next day.

There will be no food or milk provided at break-time, lunch money £2.60 must be put in an envelope with your child's name each day.  No change can be given.


Parents cannot accompany their child into the school grounds.  There will be an exception for P1 in week one.

Pupils may bring their own sanitiser and wear a mask if they choose to do so.

Pupils should have their own tissues.


Thank you,


M O Kane