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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall

P6 and P7 Shared Education!

16th Jan 2024

Primary 6 and Primary 7 had great fun with their friends from Knockloughrim P.S. on Tuesday. This was the first of three shared education sessions this year.

During the PDMU session with Ms Mc Alister, pupils took part in a range of ice-breaker activities and worked on iPads to create character profiles that outlined their hobbies and talents.  These were then presented to the rest of the group. After a short break, children joined together to create structures using spaghetti and marshmallows.  They had to plan, collaborate and evaluate their ideas. It was a great challenge to see which group could build the tallest tower!

During a Literacy lesson with Ms O’Kane, the pupils completed ice-breaker games to get to know one another. Their favourite was creating a class story by adding one sentence each. They then talked about poetry and took part in a walking gallery were they found poems around the classroom and got the chance to read them and reflect. Using the poem ‘Where I’m from’ by George Ella Lyon, the pupils wrote their own lines. They then joined them together in groups and presented to the rest of the class. It was lovely to hear the children write about what it is important in their lives. 

During a Maths lesson with Mr Montgomery, pupils came together to complete a Kahoots Maths quiz. This gave pupils a chance to show off their mental maths skills. After their quiz, pupils worked in groups to complete Izak 9 puzzles. The boys and girls loved working together and problem solving with their peers.