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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall

May, the month of Mary.

1st May 2020
May is a month of special devotion to Mary. How will you honour the Blessed Mother? It has long been a tradition to set up a May Altar in homes during the month of May. People often placed wildflowers on their altar. Each day during May say a prayer to our mother Mary, you could say a Hail Mary or a decade of the Rosary or even Fr Graham's favourite prayer the Memorare. We would love to see pictures of your May altar as would Fr Graham - so please send them to either the school or parish Facebook pages. We already have photographs of some of the May altars that St. Brigid's staff have set up in their homes.   Your teachers have set you some RE work on Mary, and we will add some additional work on the school website on the Rosary. Perhaps in 2020, we could say a decade of the Rosary as a family?   Holy Mary, Pray for Us. Mother of Christ, Pray for Us. Queen of Peace, Pray for Us.