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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall

Celebrating World Mental Health Day in Primary 7

10th Oct 2023


Today is world mental health day, and we believe that our mental health is just as important as our physical health. 

We took part in a live lesson with Dom Traynor from Adobe, and together the pupils made Mental Health Awareness Posters using Adobe Express. Not only were we learning new ICT skills, but it was also a fun way to tackle the issues surrounding Mental Health. 

Recently we have been learning about our own skills and talents, and how everyone can use their unique skill sets in any situation. We have taken part in Circle Time activities as a whole class and really focused on our listening skills. We have shared our learning as well as our thoughts and feelings with our parents on SeeSaw. We have taken the time during lessons for brain breaks and to participate in breathing exercises. We find these really help us maintain focus but they also help improve our moods!

We believe our Mental Health is vital to performing well in school so we strive to have happy, healthy minds in Primary 7! 💛